19 August 2008

From A to Zoroastrian

In our first month here at Woodstock, we have discovered that it is a very unique place. Today, while sitting in the staff lounge during tea time, someone wished Dave a "Happy Navroz." In case you are not familiar with this holiday, it is the new year holiday for the Parsi population in India. Now it is entirely possible that those of you from America might not know what a Parsi is. Some of you will, no doubt, remember that Zoroastrians in India are called Parsis. This is because the Zoroastrians emigrated from Persia 1,000 years ago. Now if you don't know what a Zoroastrian is, then you should take a little trip to Wikipedia for the basic run down. This is just another example of the diversity that we have here at Woodstock School. Our students all come from very different religious, cultural, and national backgrounds. We have students that are Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Muslim, Jain, Zoroastrian, and some students that maintain no religious beliefs. This is still a Christian school, but we are being exposed to many new things along the way.

In other news, we finally got our television hooked up today. After school, we sat down and enjoyed that most Indian of programs, "My Name is Earl."

With this new distraction, hopefully we'll be able to make time for lesson planning.

Dave and Beth

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