The first problem with having Thanksgiving in India is that one cannot find turkeys. We made do with a couple of small chickens. Beth is carrying the one that Umilla made to the table so that everyone could dig in.
Overall, we had a very nice spread. There were green beans, corn, bread, rolls, pomegranates, mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetables, fruit salad, and plenty of juice and soda pop to drink. Everyone appeared to enjoy themselves and they all seemed very thankful. We even had a couple of Brits and Canadians at our extravaganza.
Dave made a couple of trips to the table and built himself a few nice platefuls of food.
Of course, after the main meal we went right to dessert. Again, everyone needed to improvise a little, but it was wonderful. We had pumpkin pie, apple pie, shortbread, cookies, Nanaimo bars (one of the benefits of inviting Canadians), apple crumble, ice cream, and caramel. As we were eating dessert, we even switched the background music to Christmas songs to officially mark the beginning of the new season.
This was a very successful celebration. We were able to get a little taste of home, though that makes us look forward to Christmas all the more.
Dave and Beth