20 November 2008

Have a Nice Wisit

The other day, we were looking through the blog of our friend Andrzej Plonka. He is a new teacher at Woodstock this year, as well. We met him on our flight from Chicago to Delhi while we were waiting for our layover in London. He hails from the north side of the Windy City, but we try not to hold that against him. Anyway, we were reading his blog and noticed a wonderful picture which we felt compelled to steal.

It illustrates something that most Indians do when they talk. We don't really understand the reasoning. Hindi does not seem to have a 'w' sound, but it definitely has a 'v' sound. Rather than simply using a 'v' sound when saying an English word that has a 'w' in it, most Indians that we've met switch the two around. So "You are very welcome," becomes "You are wery velcome." Thanks for wisiting our blog!

Dave and Beth

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