We were actually ready when they arrived on Monday night. They were a combined group from the three CNI (Church of North India) churches in Mussoorie. This is the Anglican/Episcopal equivilant in out neck of the woods. The head of the middle school at Woodstock goes to one of these churches and warned us that they would be coming. Beth was prepared with lots of figgy pudding for them. Actually it was cheese and crackers and hot chocolate. We had them into the house and they kept on singing about Jesus and the manger and Bethlehem...at least that's what we're assuming they were singing about. All of their songs were beautiful Hindi numbers, so we couldn't actually understand anything. (Sorry the video is a little bit dark.)
Our neighbors came over and brought some cake, too. The four of us performed a little God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen while our guests ate and drank. It was a great experience.
For the last few days, we've been counting down to the end of the semester with "spirit week." This is just like spirit weeks back in the states where each day, you get a different crazy thing to do. Monday was pajama day and Wednesday was crazy hair day. Beth decided to do a Pippi Longstocking impression with some wire in her pigtails.
Today we had twin day. Dave shaved off part of his beard so that he could look more like our friend Jared. Our students usually call him Mr Hatch, anyway, so it was not a big departure for most of the students. Beth dressed the same as Jared's wife Emily and our neightbor, Dot, but only Emily was around for the picture.
We now have our grades completed and entered and most teachers are just showing videos until the kids physically check out (they mentally checked out long ago) on Tuesday. We are definitely ready for a trip home.
Dave and Beth
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