20 February 2009

Our Second Vacation - Delhi Again

It has been about two weeks since last we posted on the blog. School has now started back up and we are busy with something just about every evening (Bible studies, basketball, play practice, faculty choir, etc., etc.). Having successfully navigated the first two weeks of the semester, we decided to turn our attentions back to the BoveNet blog. We thought it would be fitting to finish up our account of our vacation with Dave's sister, Beth. After a couple days in Mussoorie relaxing and hiking around, we went back to Delhi. We had a day to kill in the capital before Beth's plane left for Chicago, so we decided to see some of the things we missed on our first visit.

First on the list was the Qutb Minar. This is the world's tallest brick minaret and was built between about 1200 and 1400 by India's first Muslim rulers. The site is also the home of the ruins of the first mosque in India. Naturally, any time there is a large tower around, it is important to take a picture of it coming out of someone's head.

The complex was also home to a large number of parakeets, of which it is always fun to take pictures.

After the monument to Muslim faith, we took a taxi over to the temple of a more recent religion. The Bahá'í faith has temples all over the world. Most of them (from the pictures provided at this one) look to be fairly plain. The really pretty ones seem to be the lotus-shaped one in Delhi and the one in Wilmette, Illinois. So we've now got the top two checked off our list.

From the Bahá'í temple, we went to visit India gate. This is in the center of New Delhi, which the British built as their capital a decade before they got kicked out of the country. The India Gate is a war memorial for the dead of World Wars One and Two and a couple of other wars that the British made the Indians fight. That empty canopy behind Beth and Beth used to house a statue of the King, but it was removed when the British finally left.
After a day of seeing the sights in Delhi, Beth had to had to the airport to catch her plane. It was wonderful to have a visitor here, and we definitely look forward to more. We'll definitely do a better job of updating our blog now that we are back in the swing of things here at school.

Dave and Beth

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