13 November 2009

Activity Week (2)

It has been a very long time since we posted the first half of our activity week adventure. Life here at Woodstock has become very busy as the end of the semester has approached. We've found that we have less and less time to post on our blog. Our grades for the first semester have now been submitted and we've got some more relaxed time before we head out on our whirlwind tour of the country over Christmas break. In order to help us keep things straight, we are back-dating these posts so that they fit chronologically with the times that the events actually happened.

Aside from our time working with developmentally disabled individuals during activity week, we also spent some time interacting with visually impaired people. The main focus of this part of the week was the Sharp Blind School.

While there, our students learned a bit about what life is like for those who are blind or are unable to see much. This included trying to learn a bit of Braille (in both English and Hindi).

Many of our students simply enjoyed interacting with the students at the school. They were learning to add and subtract, read and write, and survive life in India--all without the ability to see.

Some of the older students worked together with students that could see and did some Braille typing. We also met some people who attended the school as girls and stayed on as teachers. The woman in the photograph on the right has been at the school since she was 3 years old. He family was unhappy that they had a blind girl in the family and essentially abandoned her there.

The school has a great ministry where they help train people for life in India (which can be very difficult for those with disabilities). It was great to see a bit of their work in action.

Dave and Beth

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