30 March 2009


The last big school event for the month of March was the Woodstock Model United Nations conference. MUN is a chance for students to study and debate global issues as representatives of a different country. All of the students got dressed up in their most professional clothes so that they could make a great impression on their fellow delegates.

The eighth graders were all together in their own special committee where they discussed development aid for poorer countries and improving healthcare around the world.

They had been preparing for weeks by researching their countries and preparing position papers and country profiles. They also had to prepare two one-minute speeches for the topics and prepare for any questions or comments from the other delegates.

Their favorite times were when they were allowed to have unmoderated caucuses in order to develop resolutions and gain allies in order to solve problems.

Overall, the students did even better than Dave thought they would.
It was a successful learning experience for the students, and the current seventh graders are looking forward to doing it next year.

Dave and Beth

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