01 March 2009

Zig Zag

When we were living in Chicago, we had the luxury of leaving for church on Sunday mornings about 10 minutes before the scheduled starting time. We were only about 12 blocks away, so it did not take us long to get into the car and drive over. Here in Mussoorie, things are a little bit different. The church that we have been attending (and at which we are now teaching Sunday school) is all the way at the top of the hill. We usually need to give ourselves at least 40 minutes to get to church on time. Most of the trip is spent negotiating the Zig Zag Trail. This aptly-named trail has 13 switchbacks between our house and the top of the hill (we counted today as we were taking pictures).

By the time we get to the last stretch of the trail, we begin to wonder why we didn't choose to attend a church that was downhill and along the road so that we could just take a taxi. As we clear the last bit of path though, we are given a beautiful view of the Himalayas.

Then we remember that, in addition to enjoying our time at church, we can see the beauty of God's creation.

The hard part, of course, is going to be when the monsoon rains come back and we'll have to check our blog to remember what these mountains look like.

Dave and Beth

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