26 December 2009


Those that read our blog may have noticed that we have had a bit of a hiatus over our winter break. The initial break came because we were busy traveling around India. After we returned to Mussoorie, it was simply a matter of laziness. We just started school today and are now back in the swing of things. The plan is to work through our backlog of blogging now that we are in working mode. We'll back-date them so that they are listed in approximately chronological order. Hopefully, we'll get caught up in the next couple of days and then start talking about our new things.

Dave and Beth

1 comment:

The Bovens said...

Glad to have you back posting. I was missing my India updates. Happy that you had a chance to relax.

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BoveNet and the BoveNet blog are published by David and Beth Boven and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.