12 December 2009

Santa Breakfast

One of the great traditions in the elementary school here at Woodstock is the Santa breakfast that is held every year before the youngest students "go down" to Delhi to catch their planes around the world. Generally, the middle school staff is not invited, but we had a great connection this year that allowed Beth to get an invitation. Dave was inexplicably absent, but it was a great morning for all involved. Our connection that scored the invitation was, of course, Santa Claus himself. He did a great job of handing out presents to all the elementary schoolers.

He also posed for a picture with Beth and made sure to distribute gifts to all his hard-working elves.

It seems, though, that not all of the students were very excited to see Santa this morning.
Dave and Beth

1 comment:

The Bovens said...

Roy (I mean Santa),

Can you bring that costume home with you in the summer so you can entertain Jimmy with it next Christmas. It will save us a long line in the mall if we can just get our picture taken with you ; )

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