01 September 2008

A Rough Week

One part of life in India that we have tried not to dwell on too much is the tendency to get sick. India is not the cleanest country in the world. We are living in the developing world, so there are some inherent risks. Thankfully, since we live at such a high altitude, there is no risk of contracting malaria. One problem that is ever-present, though, is bacterial infection. We have both had bouts of this in one form or another since we've been here. The health center on campus is excellent. There is a nurse there 24/7 and there is a doctor that comes in three times a week for appointments. Generally speaking, when we have gastro-intestinal problems, we must go and give the health center a "sample" (we'll let you use your imagination as to what kind of sample we give them). This then goes up to the Landour Community Hospital, which is very close to the school. When the report comes back, it usually has some inexpensive medicine with it.

This week, we've both been sick. Dave got it first at the beginning of the week. He missed school on Monday with a fever and an achy body. Beth has been sick since about Thursday. We are both going to the doctor on Monday and hopefully, we'll have everything cleared up soon. Hopefully, once we've recovered, we'll be able to post more of the interesting things going on in our life.

Dave and Beth

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