06 September 2008

Still Kickin'

When we were younger, our mothers taught us that if you can't say something nice you shouldn't say anything. For the past week or so, we haven't posted much of anything on our blog. This is because we didn't really have anything nice to say about our experience. Both of us were fairly unhappy because we were feeling sick. We both went to see the doctor this past Monday and Dave found out that he had a very bad bacterial infection. In fact, the infection was so bad that it was resistant to all of the antibiotics that they had in Mussoorie. The health center had to special order some from Dehradun and, unfortunately, it consisted of 8 injections over the course of four days. And the worst part was, the injections were not in the arms. Beth had an even worse infection for most of the last week. When her reports came back from the hospital, they decided to start treating her for typhoid. Thankfully, we get typhoid vaccines shortly after we got here...so if that is what she had, it could have been worse. So that is why we've been quiet for the last two weeks. We just didn't have anything nice to say.

Today, we've been feeling a little better. We had another round of middle school clubs today. Beth had work to get done at school, but Dave went down to the dorms to play kickball. Most of the kids had a bit of an idea about how to play baseball and, by extension, kickball but it was still quite a learning experience. Here are some images of the kids in action:

Now obviously, Dave took these pictures while the kids were batting. When it was his turn up, he handed the camera off to a student to get some pictures of himself in action. Let this be a lesson that middle school students are not terribly adept at photography. This is what he came back with:

After the kickball extravaganza, we both met at school and went out for lunch at Chhaya Cafe. This is about as close as you can get to school in the bazaar, which was good because Dave was very tired from playing. It is a very nice place to eat which helps give local women a place to work and make money. They also use purified water and have healthy preparation practices.

Chhaya also has a very nice view but, as usual, the camera does not do it justice.

So we're feeling better and looking forward to starting a new week tomorrow. Hopefully we'll continue to be healthy. Beth even saw a hazy glimpse of the snow-capped Himalayas in the distance today. We're going to try getting up early to get a better view tomorrow.

Dave and Beth

1 comment:

Josh Leo said...

haha thos photos that the kid took are hilarious! nice that you are spreading the kickball love

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BoveNet and the BoveNet blog are published by David and Beth Boven and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.