07 September 2008

Taking it Easy...

As we've been feeling better and better after getting over our recent illnesses, we decided to get in a little hike today on our day of rest. We didn't wake up in time to see the alleged clear views of the Himalayas, but we did get a nice morning for a walk. We started by going to the top of the hill on which we live. It was a beautiful day and there was no rain and few clouds in the sky. After making it to the top, we took a small path down which we were told was a pretty clearing called Fairy Glen. As we walked down the hill, we were hoping the it was the right way. The path was getting steeper and steeper and we were not looking forward to a trek back up. Eventually we found a sign that marked the trail as the right one and we made it. We stopped and had some water and granola bars.
After a quick break at Fairy Glen, we went farther down the hill. We came upon the back of a small village. There were several people there that were looking at us oddly and a couple of rather large, rather scary cows. The people motioned that we could walk through the village to get to the road. We said a quick दन्यवाद (thank you) and नमस्ते (goodbye) and found the right path. After we made it out to the road, we took a quick picture of the village.
We then followed the road until we made it to the Eyebrow Path. This is one of our favorite walks. It travels parallel to the main road, but affords much nicer views and more interesting things to look at. Some of it looks a little scary and we usually don't take it in the rain, but it is very nice.
And finally, when we reached home, had quite a few monkeys playing outside of our window. We took some pictures through the screen because we hadn't had any monkey pictures on the blog in a while.
After all of these adventures, we went to chapel at school and then came home. We wanted to get to bed a bit earlier than usual so that we can continue recovering from our bugs.
Dave and Beth

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