22 September 2008

Crossing the Country

Today was the interschool cross country competition here in Mussoorie. A couple of weeks ago, our students competed among themselves in races of varying lengths. Today, the best runners from Woodstock faced off against students from two other local schools. It was a long walk to the top of the hill where the course was, but the whole middle school was there to support the runners. Our stands were the steps of one of the churches that we've attended. Here you can see Dave keeping our crown under control with the help of our neighbor, and fellow middle school teacher, Dot.

Our students performed well and it was a fun afternoon. The sun was shining and most of the students had a good time. With this event, the cross country season is at an end. Because of the limited number of schools in the area, most of our sports are single events or tournaments such as this. It's a very short season and its disappointing if you don't win, but it is nice to keep some variety in what the kids are training for. The students wearing white in the picture are some of our classroom and advisor group kids.

Now we are looking forward to the Taj Mahal. Only one and a half days of school left before quarter break.

Dave and Beth

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